Monday, April 8, 2013

Forgotten But Not Gone!

No, I haven't given up on the noble cause of blogging or discussing food or weather...I've just been really busy!

My favorite time of day to write and ponder is early morning. I am up every day before 6, even on the weekends. I've always been wired to early day, even as a kid I'd get up insanely early to watch cartoons or read my books. Sunday mornings were an interesting mix of Davy and Goliath, Mass for Shut-ins and the Sunday funnies until my parents got up and got me moving for Church.

During the week, I'm almost always awake before the 5:48 alarm. I get up, let the dog out, get the coffee started, empty the dishwasher, let the dog in, turn on the fish tank light, and rifle through the mail. Most of the time I turn on the local news and sometimes I read the previous evening's paper.  I get most of that accomplished before 6:15. Some days I grind coffee, some days I clean the stove from the previous night's dinner mess and sometimes I start a load of wash.

Once my tasks are done, I snuggle up with a fresh first hot cup of coffee, spending 30 minutes checking email, the news headlines, hitting up the gossip columns, looking for recipe ideas and reading a few blogs.  By then, the life-giving caffeine has found my brain and the sparks are starting to spark and bright ideas are taking shape. Well, maybe not entirely bright ideas, those generally come to me in the shower, but at least the fog is lifting and I can be reasonably sure which way is up.

Most weekday mornings, my time is limited. I need to get moving by 6:30 and I'm generally out the door on the way to work within an hour. I'm busy thinking about what I'm going to wear, what I'm going to pick for HB's outfit (Yes, he lets me pick out his suit and tie every day. He scoops cat boxes--we're even.) and just how much discipline I'm going to mete out to get my hair to behave. In short, I don't have time to write in the mornings. By the time I get home in the evening,  I'm pretty fried and have already thunk all the great thoughts I'm going to think for the day.  I get dinner going, watch the news, eat, clean up and by then, it's nearly 8 and I need to play Words with My Neglected Friends and struggle to stay awake til bedtime! 

That leaves weekend mornings for spilling profound words of multiple syllables, however...the last two weekends, I've slept in. 

To sum up? I've blown off this blog for sleep.

Here's some of my life in the past two weeks:

I'm bummed The Walking Dead season is over.
I'm happy The Voice is back on.
Who knew Vikings were so hot?
There's actual grass showing in our yard.
There's a winter storm headed our way later this week.
We booked our holiday cruise. We are heading to Budapest for an 8 day cruise up the Danube to Vienna, Salzburg, Bratislava and maybe some time spent in Prague before coming home. Christmas Markets here we come!
Taxes. No need to elaborate.
Easter Ham. For a week. No more ham for a while. I'm feeling hamish.
My Uncle lost his struggle with Alzheimer's. Peace at last.
Mammogram completed. Freaked out over first ever call-back for a second set of scans.
All clear. Cried when the tech told me there was nothing on the second set of scans.
Felt like the weight of the world was lifted.
Bourbon chicken, cooked quickly in the slow cooker. Don't ask.
Dead goldfish. Belly up. RIP. (FIP? Float in Peace?)
Work drama. Defies understanding, but really ignites frustration.

There's more but that's enough for now.

More to come. Sometime. Soon.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that your repeat view was nothing. I know from experience how that can throw one for a loop. I had one last mammo as well; also nothing, but a nerve wracking couple of days.
